Intermark (Pvt) Ltd
Technology Training Systems Test and Measurement Instruments And Calibration Equipment

Festo (Germany) /Labvolt (Canada)
Electricity & Electronics, FACET, Electrical Power & Controls, PLC, EMS, FMS, Industrial/ Electronics Control, Power Electronics & Transmissions / Distributions, PLC, Fluid Power, Alternative & Renewable Energy, GEO Thermal / Hydrogen, Solar/Wind Energy, Automation & Robotic, Instrumentation and Process control, Flow & Level/Ph Process, Pressure/ Temperature Process, Tele-communication, Microwave & Antenna, Radar & Satellite/ Telephony.
Fluke UK/USA
Fluke, DH-Instruments USA
Broadband Signal Analyzers & Generators, Spectrum/Vector Signal Analyzers, Avionics, GPSG Simulator, Radio Altimeter, Fuel Quantity/Weather Radar, Wireless R&D/ Conformance, PXI-RF Modular Instruments, LTE/ATE, Semiconductor, Counters & Power Meters, Micorwave, Automotive and Synthetic Test Sets/Solutions.
Giga-tronics Inc, USA
Microwave Signal Generator, Microwave Power Amplifier, Universal Power Meter, USB Peak Power Sensor, Scalar Network Analyzer, VXI/PXI Test Modules, Synthesizer Modules, YIG Components and Tailored Solutions.
King Nutronics
Air Data Test Set, Pressure and Vacuum Calibrator, Thermo-units, Tachometer Tester, Pressure Test Chamber, Pneumatic Amplifier, Portable Instrument Cleaning System, Hydraulic Hand Pump and Thermo Units Calibrator, Torque & Force Calibrator.
Fluke, Ruska & Pressurement USA
Electronics, Microwave, Cellular Mobile Phone, AM/FM, Antenna, Oscilloscope, Biomedical, PLC, Electrical Wiring/Distributions & Protection, Motor Control/Generator, Power, Temperature/Level Process, Lighting & Building, A/C & Refrigeration Control, Automotive Air Conditioning/Transportation, Computer & Information, CMS/LMS & Language Laboratories.
TEGAM Incorporation, USA
RF Power Sensor Calibration System, RF Power Meter, RF Power Transfer Std, RF Power Amplifier, RF Signal Generator, Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator, NANO Technology (MEMS) testing, LCR Meters, NANO Volt Null Meter, Ratio Transformers, Resistance and voltage meter/ Probes, Temp/ Humidity Controller and Calibrators and Electrical Safety indicators.
SOLTEQ Malaysia
Solution Engineering Sdn Bhd is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Solution Engineering Holdings Berhad, an ACE Market listed company in Bursa Malaysia Securities.
Solution specialises in the design and development of teaching equipment for engineering education (SOLTEQ) such as chemical, mechanical, electrical and control engineering. Our products are utilised in public and private universities, university colleges, polytechnics, skilled training centers, advanced technical institutions and colleges.
Environmental Science Products Business Unit
Engineering Education Products Business Unit
Materials Science Products Business Unit
We continue to improve and develop our knowledge and expertise, and hope to contribute to the advancement of the country via transferring of knowhow and technologies between countries.
TEL: (+92-21) 35680045-54
FAX: (+92-21) 35680565
TEL: (+92-51) 2250930, 2287276, 2852969
FAX: (+92-51) 2853811
TEL: (+92-42) 37229752-4
FAX: (+92-42) 37220384